Project “DAGOR – Visnjan Observatory robotic telescope” started in 2002. when Tican Observatory was build. Main goal is to development of state-of-the-art telescope capable for automatic observations and Internet based teleoperation. To achieve the goal modern technical solutions like brushless motors which enable high precision control of the telescope position. All software and most hardware (electrical) components used for telescope control are open-source: Debian Linux, Arduino, siderla.py library, ModBus library, etc.
Important aspect of the project is education. Most of the key hardware (electrical circuits) and software components has been designed and produced with high school students, participants of Visnjan School of Astronomy, from 2007 until today.
Most of the mechanical parts are successfully installed. Current main task of the project is developing of software package which will enable basic observation of the night sky and be used as basis for further software modules which should enable efficient observations and data collection. At the same time, two smaller telescopes are mounted on the main tube, which will be used for testing of control software, a the beginning, and after as educational and tourist telescopes.